Anahata, The Heart Chakra

Anahata, The Heart Chakra

Located at the heart, Anahata is the fourth chakra and is known as the heart chakra. It is connected to the element, air. Air is symbolic of freedom. It is also vital to our existence. Just as love and kindness is a vital necessity for peaceful human interaction.  This chakra is represented by the colour green and is depicted by a lotus with twelve petals containing two intersecting triangles which make a six-pointed star. This representing matter and spirit in perfect balance. Inside the star is the seed sound of the heart chakra, the Yam and the animal representation is the antelope which runs wild and free with grace and gentleness.

When open and clear this chakra brings a feeling of openness, peace and love helping us to tap into the feeling of unconditional love. It represents our ability to love both ourselves and others freely, however we are able to do this with clear and sound boundaries in place. To love unconditionally does not mean to the detriment of our own self. A balance and clear chakra will enable us to have boundaries in place that allow us to give openly and freely whilst not allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of or depleted.

Unbalanced or blocked this chakra can lead us to putting others first to our own detriment. It can also leave us feeling lonely and isolated. We can open this chakra through acts of kindness, compassion, selflessness, and love resulting in a feeling of joy and happiness.

When Anahata is unbalanced, we may experience or feel the following qualities:

  • Over dependency in relationships.
  • Loss of trust in a committed relationship
  • Issues with giving and receiving affection.
  • The need for constant reassurance
  • Distancing oneself from those around us who care
  • Exuding a tough and unemotional exterior.

There are many ways we can balance our heart chakra and finding what works for you is essential:

Repeating positive affirmations such as:

  • I am loved.
  • I am open to love.
  • I give and receive love with compassion and kindness.
  • I have clear and set boundaries in place that allow me to love freely whilst still loving myself to the fullest.


Meditation focusing on opening the channels of the heart chakra. Using techniques such as repeating the above affirmations in your mind as you meditate, focusing deeply on the inhalation and the exhalation or visualising the colour green flowing freely through your heart clearing the charka to be open for love.


Heart opening poses such as Camel or Melting Heart are excellent ways to open Anahata.

  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose) – This back bend allows you to through your chest and shoulders creating space across the chest allowing the heart chakra to open and shine.
  • Melting Heart Pose – Allow your chest to sink down into the ground whilst you gently open through the shoulders. This pose can be held for a longer period of time which will enable you to really focus on releasing tension both physically and emotionally clearing out negative energy from the heart chakra.

Acts of Kindness

Seeing as though Anahata is the chakra of love,one of the most beautiful ways we can keep this chakra flowing freely and openly is through acts of kindness. Giving without expecting anything in return. Showing compassion and kindness to those around you. Practicing forgiveness. These acts of kindness shown to both ourselves and to those around us will go along way to maintaining balance in Anahata.  Maintaining a balanced heart chakra will enable us to develop a deep and loving relationship with ourselves and with those around us.

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