Each Moment as it Comes

Each Moment as it Comes

This morning I was sitting quietly in meditation, eyes closed and nothing but the sound of nature. It was peaceful.

My meditation was instantly cut short when I had a pint sized fluffy white wet and sandy toy poodle puppy greet me with wet paws on my chest and a lick on my nose. I opened my eyes to see this furry little friend so excited to see me and the owner in the back ground mortified, saying 'I'm so sorry!'

I immediately burst into laughter and gave this little friend a snuggle. Now I'm all covered in wet sand and puppy paws.

This got me thinking, we, no matter how hard we try, cannot control what is going to come up in our lives. We don't know what each day will bring. I had planned to sit quietly in meditation, but that didn't happen.
Some days will be brilliant, others not so much. Some days bring laughter, peace and joy, others not so much. Some days might just go as we thought it would, others the complete opposite.

We cannot control what happens around us or to us, but we can control how we react. We can control our thoughts. If we can wake up each day with peace and love in our hearts, and an understanding to let go of all control, and just let be, whatever may come, we will make our lives all that more enjoyable. Each and every day.

None of us are perfect, and sometimes this can be easier said than done. I know myself; I don't always do this. I can completely get wrapped up in my own head, but I think if we can really break it down and can grasp the notion that in our life, we never stop learning, this will become easier to do. What is past is past, we learn from that, the good and the not so good, but let that go or it will consume you. What is going to happen, hasn't happened. That page has not been written yet.

So, when you wake up each day, wake up with peace and love in your heart and embrace each moment as it comes.

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