

I believe the peace you hold within you is the peace you will shine to the world. That peace is light. If the foundation of that peace is Gratitude the light, you shine will be clear and bright and the depth of its power will touch gently those around you.
I teach Yoga. Yoga is what makes me the happiest. Teaching is what makes me the happiest. It's what I can get lost in. Feel. Go with the flow. The movement. The energy. There are times when the pace will quicken. There are times when the pace will slow. The inhalation. The exhalation. The asana matched with the rhythm of YOUR OWN BREATH. Every movement in yoga go's hand in hand with breath. The life Pranayama. The Breath of life. I do not practice when I teach. Rather I walk through the room cueing as the flow continues allowing each individual person to focus deep within their own self. Be present in their own moment.
There is no right. There is no wrong. There is no judgment. No two poses are ever the same. No two people will ever practice the same and no two teachers will ever teach the same.
Yoga is a practice that will teach you patience. Will teach you to be uniquely happy in YOUR OWN JOURNEY. Yoga teaches you to turn inwards and listen for the answer rather than seek for approval of others.
When I walk around the room, I look at all the beautiful souls that have taken the time out of their day to come and be guided in their practice and I feel a deep air of GRATITUDE. Sometimes I feel that the word 'Gratitude' comes with an air of stigma. It's a word that gets thrown around more often than not, sometimes used without true meaning behind it. Kind of like the word 'Sorry'. Sorry is a word we can tend to use habitually rather than meaningfully. 'Gratitude', strip it back to its bare bones. What other word can we use to sum up simply what we feel? Grateful? Thankful? Appreciative? These words ultimately have the same meaning but to me, Gratitude penetrates deep within. So, when I look around the room, I feel a deep sense of Gratitude that I am able to share something that I love with others. Something that brings me peace. Brings peace to others.
Big Love ❤️
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