Here and Now

 This week's weekly intention is to be more focused on the here and now and less on the destination. To focus more on enjoying the journey and the process of reaching the destination rather than the destination itself. 
How many times have we been so wrapped up in achieving something or reaching a goal that we have completely forgotten that life still goes on. We still have days to live, moments to cherish and an abundance of joy to feel in each of these days and moments. If we are so consumed with the end destination, we miss all of this joy and life seemingly passes us by. We end up stressed and worried, most of which we have created in our own heads. Remember one of the biggest causes of anxiety is thinking the same thought over and over again and creating scenarios that may or may not ever happen. And how many times have you reached the end goal only to be a little disappointed? If we place our happiness in the end goal, once we achive it, then what? Will we ever be happy? Or will we push the goal posts further away and keep driving forward. Where will our happiness lie? 
 There's a beautiful quote by Roy T Bennett,
  "Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey."
I love this quote because it really does hit the nail on the head for all of us. Life is full of challenges. We face them every day on different levels, but we have a choice how we react to each one of these challenges we face, and we also have a choice to savor the journey as we keep moving forward. To place our happiness in the small steps we take daily and the moments we experience. If you take one small step each day, and enjoy that step, then get to the end of the year, turn around and look back. Look at all of the small steps you have taken, the path you have created moving forward and the joy you have experienced along the way. 
 So, this week, hold a little space for yourself.  Forget about the end destination and enjoy the moment as you are in it. 
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