How to Find More Balance in Your Life

How to Find More Balance in Your Life

Finding balance in our lives is one of the most difficult things that we can face in our modern busy lives. We live in a society that seems to glorify working extremely long hours, pushing towards burnout, achieving more, doing more, more titles, more money, more pressure, the pursuit of perfection. Our work/life balance for many of us is way off and the scale is tipped so far to one side,the stressful side, that all that is left for us is a tiny snippet of the things that we enjoy, and heaven forbid we ever think of taking time off. And when we do, be honest with yourself, how many times have you quietly felt guilty that you should actually be 'doing something' or thinking 'I don't have time for this'? How many times have you caught yourself saying, 'where did the weekend go? Where did the year go? I'll do it when I get more time.

The stark reality is, we are the only ones that can pull back the balance in our lives. We are the only ones who can create more time. No one else is going to do this for you. But this is challenging, and scary because we have to let go of the sense of guilt we feel when we do slow down. We have to stop associating time to ourselves as a pleasure only obtained by first burning ourselves out. As challenging as this may be, it is necessary. It is not selfish. It's vital for our mental and physical health. You will not fall behind, and you will definitely not let anyone down, not those who truly care about you. Self care is sign of self value, and value for those who care for you, by allowing yourself time, space, peace and love. And when you allow yourself this time, your loved ones benefit from this as well.

Obviously this may not be a flick the switch solution and viola 'I have more time! but, by implementing small things gradually, your life balance scale will slowly tip evenly. 

Simple ways to find more balance in your life include:

Turn it off- Turn off all devices for a period of time. Turn off the TV, the phone,the computer. The emails will still be there when you switch your devices back on. The calls you received  in the odd hours of your personal time can be answered in work hours. 

Learn to say no- Learn to say no to over extending yourself, no to the extra work load that takes you away from your family, no to the unnecessary social events or events you don't want to go but feel obligated to go to. Learn to say no to things that just don't feel right or just to please others at the expense of yourself. 

Nourish yourself- Begin to nourish your body with healthy foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best and keep your energised. Drink plenty of water and cut back on beverages such as coffee or alcohol which, in excess can have an adverse effect on your health. 

Get more sleep-  Prioritise getting enough sleep every night. Go to bed earlier, without your phone. Try to ensure you are sleeping in an environment that will enable to get a deep sleep, a dark room, a comfortable bed. 

Exercise- Make time everyday to move more. It does not have to be long, but make a conscious effort to move more. Walking, yoga, running,resistance training or take up a sport that interests you and connect with other people as you do so. If you have a desk job, set your timer to go off at regular intervals, prompting you to get up an walk away from your desk, move and stretch. 

Remove or minimise negativity from your life- Remove negative influences from your life such as negative habits like smoking or toxic friendships or people that do not support you. Surround yourself with positive like minded that people that care for you, support you and continue to lift you up. 

Spend time in nature- Make time each week to go outside in nature. You'll be surprised at how energised you feel after you have spent even just 30 mins of time in nature. A walk in the garden or along the beach, a hike through mountains or even sitting on your back deck at night gazing at the night stars. 

Do something that you love- that book you've wanted to read, pick it up. The music you love, listen to it. Whatever it is, painting, cooking, surfing,writing, yoga, art, whatever you desire, make it a habit at sometime throughout the week to do these things. 

Learn to meditate- learning to quieten down our minds is one of the oldest and most effective ways to find peace within your life. Whether you choose to sit quietly for five minutes with your eyes closed or you find meditation through movement such as yoga, find something that resonates with you and connects your mind, body, breath and soul. Remember there is no right or wrong way to meditate. Just begin.

Laugh- When was the last time you really had a good laugh? And how good did you feel when you did? Laughter really is the best medicine so get together with friends and laugh, talk, share stories, watch that comedy or TV show that makes you cry with laughter. Our life is meant to be joyous!

Say Thank You- Gratitude is the most powerful emotions that we can have in our lives. The simple act of saying thank you, whether to yourself or to others, it is a bridge of positive connection. Look around you and see, really see all of the things in your life that you can be grateful for, experiences, friends, loved ones, encounters, belongings, laughter, tears. Say thank you for all of these things from deep within your heart. 

You are important and you have a purpose here on this earth. There has never been a day here on this earth where you did not belong or you have not been needed.

Learn day by day, moment by moment to bring balance back into your life. To tip the scales evenly in a positive direction. Learn to value yourself enough to say 'Yes' to you. 


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