Love yourself

Love yourself

You are not the person you were yesterday. You are not the person you were a week ago, a year ago,5 years ago or longer. Your past does not define who you are nor should it. Everyday we change, we grow and we evolve. We never stop learning in our life. Our past is a lesson that if we take the opportunity, we can learn from it. The positive and the negative, but your past does not define who you are right now. Another's judgment of you, past or present does not define you. The judgment can hurt, we are human, we have feelings but it is not a reflection of who you are. We can all look back at some stages of our lives with thoughts of maybe that was not the best decision, maybe that was not the best thing to do or say or the best time but you cannot change what is past no matter how much you rethink it. No amount of judgment from another or from yourself of yourself will ever define who you are unless you choose to allow it. That choice is yours, so today when you look upon yourself, look upon yourself with love, gentle accepting love. Look upon yourself and smile. Smile big. Smile knowing that you hold the paint brush in your hand that paints the the colours of your life and this moment now, right now, is yours to paint and swirl as you choose. Embrace this with a zest, an exciting tingling zest for life. An energy so big, so bright, so strong and all yours.

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