Muladhara, The Root Chakra

Muladhara, The Root Chakra

Located at the base of the spine, just below the tailbone is Muladhara, translating to root support or foundation. It is the first chakra and is also known as the root chakra. Represented by the colour red. It is often depicted by a lotus flower with four petals. The four petals represent our orientation in physical space, north, south, east and west.  Muladhara is the foundation chakra and is associated with the earth element. It governs the lower part of the torso including the legs, feet, the large intestine, colon and bones.

Muladhara is the chakra that links us deep into the earth and grounds us. It is the chakra that enables us to feel steady and stable within our life. We’ve all heard the term ‘set down our roots’. When open and clear, muladhara enables us to do this.

Building a solid foundation supports everything that we do in life. Grounding ourselves is an essential part of our spiritual development and in learning who we are. A tree in order to grow strong and tall and resist the effects of the wind and the elements needs deep roots down into the earth in order to support it. A building needs a solid foundation in order for the concrete slab to be poured and walls and roof to be constructed. Our Chakras start at the base of our spine and work their way up. Having a strong and grounded root chakra ensures when we have something solid within us to be able to push against and rise upwards, just like the tree. If the root chakra is off balance or blocked, your foundation will not be solid. This can lead to chakras further up the spine being unbalanced, just as a building would experience the same if the foundation was not solid. The walls and the roof would be unstable and misaligned.

When Muladhara is balanced we may experience or feel the following qualities:

  • Physically healthy.
  • Stability.
  • Security.
  • Prosperity.
  • Present in within ourselves.
  • A sense of belonging.
  • Driven to achieve.
  • A feeling of connection to ourselves and with others around us.

When Muladhara is unbalanced, we may feel the following:

  • Unstable and insecure.
  • Restless.
  • Disconnected from ourselves and those around us.
  • Heavy and Sluggish.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Lack of discipline.
  • Feelings of exhaustion of lethargic.
  • Unable to focus or pay attention.
  • Feeling stuck.

There are many ways we can balance our root chakra and finding what works for you is essential:

Simply standing with our feet in the earth, barefoot, if possible, close your eyes and visualise the energy of the earth rising up through your feet and your legs clearing any negative feelings or blockages as you do so. It may help to visualise the colour red as the energy rises upwards.  

Repeating positive affirmations such as:

  • I am safe and secure.
  • I am grounded.
  • I have abundance in my life.
  • I am here now.
  • I am supported.

Meditation with the intention of grounding yourself. Find yourself a comfortable seated position, preferably connected in some way to the earth, through your seat or your feet. Close your eyes and with a combination of both meditating on drawing the energy up from the earth allowing it to circulate through your body and clear the root chakra as well as repeating affirmations of “I am grounded’ or whatever words resonate with you in that moment.

Yoga poses with the intention of grounding us and stimulating energy such as standing postures can help to balance the root chakra. The practice of yoga helps us to connect our mind, body and spirit. The combination of mind, body and spirit helps to circulate energy through our body freely.

  • Savasana – Let yourself relax into the ground beneath you and let the earth be your support. With every inhalation and exhalation remind yourself that you are completed supported and whole as you are.
  • Sukasana – Feel supported by the earth beneath you as you sit comfortably in meditation.
  • Malasana – Position yourself in a deep yoga squat and feel the soles of your feet rooted down into the earth below you. Bring your hands to your hearts centre and close your eyes, visualising the earths energy clearing your body from the ground up.
  • Tadasana – Standing in mountain pose at the top of your mat, eyes closed. Hands down by your side, palms facing forward. Visualise yourself out in nature and feel the energy flow through your whole body. Perhaps you can see yourself at the top of a mountain, or deep in a rainforest. Whatever you see, see it flow through you and ground you.
  • Any of the Warrior Poses – Warrior I, Warrior II or Warrior III are all strong and ground poses. As you stand in these poses feel the strength and the stability in your legs. Feel the big toe, the little toe and the heel of your foot pressing down into the earth creating stability in your foundation. Feel the lightness of your spine as you lift and lengthen the crown of your head towards the sky creating space for chakral energy to flow freely.
  • Vrkshansana – Tree Pose. This pose is a beautiful way to create both balance and stability. To feel yourself swaying in the breeze just as a tree does but knowing that you are grounded enough in your foundation to withstand any external force that may come your way.

Lastly, spending time in nature is a beautiful way to reconnect. Nature therapy is not only one of the most effective ways to balance our root chakra but also to balance our whole being. Mind, body and spirit. Our modern lifestyle sees us spending so much time in doors, often behind a computer screen. Yet as humans our basic need to be outside and free is something we all crave. Go for a walk, place your hands on a tree and feel the trees healing energy. Place your feet in the sand and listen to sound of the ocean as it rings through your ears. 

When Muladhara is awakened and energy flowing freely it brings positivity and security in all aspects of our life. It is the gateway for a free-flowing channel of energy allowing us to feel connected and stable and grounded within ourselves. Harnessing this energy will help us to navigate through challenging times within our lives with courage and strength.
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