Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships – Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School.

Gratitude, when we really break it down is an appreciation for all that we have in our life, whether this be material things, experiences, family, friends, loved ones, or emotions. Gratitude is an appreciation for all. And as we know, being human, we experience and feel a vast array of things every day, some bring peace and happiness, some bring a lesson that can be hard to swallow especially at the time of the experience. The feeling of gratitude may not come for days, weeks or years after the lesson.

Gratitude does not have to be an elaborate thing in order for it to have its positive effect. Simply saying Thank you is gratitude. Gratitude comes from the heart, more so than the mind. How many times over the years have you received a gift from someone, this person who gives it to you is so excited to give it to you. You open it and, what were they thinking, it isn’t anything remotely close to something that you would like. If you walk away secretly disgruntled, who loses? You do. You are not happy. If you make this feeling open, who else loses, the gift giver as they are disappointed you did not like it. But if you practice gratitude and kindly say, thank you for your gift, I truly appreciate the kind gesture. You both win. And you know, in time, you can then pass the gratitude on by perhaps re gifting the gift to someone you know will truly appreciate it. You all win. Gratitude is from the heart, and the effect is like echo. It keeps calling.

Ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life include making an effort first and foremost to say thank you. Say it to yourself. Say it out loud. Say it under your breath. Say it to your family, friends, the checkout operator, the person who makes your coffee. Say it constantly.

Another way is to try a gratitude meditation. Say thank you on each breath.
Inhale – Today I say
Pause –
Exhale – Thank you
Pause –

These words can be changed to whatever resonates with you, but simply breathing and repeating the word, thank you is powerful enough. See how you feel at the end of your meditation.

Lastly, every night, before you go to sleep, keep a pen and paper by your bed and write down 3 things from your day that you were grateful for. It can be anything, remember it does not have to be elaborate. You can be grateful for the delicious lunch you had or that you got to spend time with a friend, a phone call, a successful meeting, 5 extra mins of sleep, anything. You can be grateful for absolutely anything. At the end of the week, look back at all of the things you have written. Take this time and notice how you feel after you have read and recollected the past weeks experiences. There is no doubt that the edges of your lips will be curved upwards in a smile.

Thank you for being a part of Chezieyoga. I appreciate you. Spread the love and go and hit your Yoga mat! ❤️

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