Svadhisthana - The Sacral Chakra

Svadhisthana - The Sacral Chakra

Located just below the navel in the lower abdominals is Svadhisthana, the second chakra. Also known as the sacral chakra, it is connected to the element, water. Translating to dwelling place of the self, this chakra is represented by the colour orange and is depicted by a six petalled lotus containing a crescent moon. The moon pulls the waters of the ocean tides, such as the crescent moon pulls the subtle energies of our body. The Sacral Chakra is associated with the bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs. 

The essential purpose of Svadhisthana is to stimulate movement and bring pleasure into our lives. This chakra is associated with vitality, fluidity, creativity, and sensuality. The element of water represents flow and flexibility. When balanced we feel connected with ourselves and those around us and our creativity flows just like water down a stream. Effortlessly and fluidly. Our emotions are able to flow through us, no matter what we are feeling, without judgment or restriction and we are able to connect deeply with and express clearly our emotions and desires both creatively and sensually maintaining balance and harmony.

When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced it can leave us feeling emotionally detached, overwhelmed, isolated, anxious, and lonely. We can feel emotionally and physically weak, experiencing anxiety, feeling highly sensitive, depressed and a lack of connection with the things that we love and enjoy. Even extending to our relationships with others. Since the sacral chakra governs our emotional energy, this chakra when unbalanced can be either overactive or underactive.

When Svadhisthana is underactive we may experience or feel the following qualities:

  • Detachment or out of touch with emotions.
  • Lack of desire.
  • Uncertain.
  • Insecurity. 
  • Lack of creativity.
  • Low libido.

When Svadhisthana is overactive we may experience or feel the following:

  • Extreme mood swings.
  • Highly sensitive.
  • Feeling emotions at a much deeper level than usual.
  • Self-indulgent.
  • Obsessive attachment.
  • Highly sexual.

When is Svadhisthana is balanced we feel emotionally connected. Both nurturing to ourselves and to others. We are able to feel deeply but not get lost in our emotions and have a capacity to set healthy and healing boundaries in order to protect ourselves and others around us. Our creativity flows and physically we are able to move with grace and ease.

There are many ways we can balance our sacral chakra and finding what works for you is essential:

Repeating positive affirmations such as:

  • I have boundaries that protect me.
  • My creativity flows effortlessly.
  • My emotions are in balance.
  • I am free to create my heart’s desire.
  • I am fulfilled in my passions.


Meditation plays a vital role in connecting with all our chakras. Connecting to Svadhisthana through meditation allows us to clear energetic channels through our body so the flow of creativity and sensuality is able to flow freely. You may choose to be seated in a comfortable position or you may choose to lay down resting your hands gently on your lower abdomen. Closing your eyes, envision every breath filling your pelvis from the very bottom of your spine, moving up into your belly. Every breath heals, clears, and softens making way for new energy to stream through. Trickling, the ebb and the flow as it fills your whole being. You may wish to imagine each breath fills your sacral chakra with the colour orange, or with every breath you may choose to repeat affirmations that connect deep within you.


Yoga can be a beautiful to connect our body, mind, and spirit. It allows us to express ourselves through movement and create shapes with our body, moving intricately from pose to pose. Yoga alone can help us to fill our hearts with pure joy. Hip opening poses can help us to let go of our tightly held grasp on control and let come what may. Remembering that the sacral chakra is governed by the element water, which flows freely and fluidly, hip openers help us to soften and release. However, as we know with svadhisthana, it needs to be in balance to flow freely, not underactive or overactive, just as our hips need to be open and flexible allowing movement with grace and sensuality, they also need to be strong to provide structure and balance for creativity.

  • Anjaneyasana – Low Lunge. This pose provides a beautiful balance of both structure, to provide strength, and openness to soften. As you inhale, think of filling your belly with breath to soften, and lifting and lengthening through the spine as you gently press your his forward creating a passageway for energy to flow freely through the hips and sacral chakra.


  • Utkata Konasana – Goddess Pose. This pose is a combination of strength and suppleness. Opening wide through the hips as you sink deep in the legs finding strength in structure whilst drawing your navel in and up finding softness and warmth in every breath.


  • Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclined Bound Angle Pose. A chance to sink deep into meditation cultivating spaciousness in your hips. Infuse a sense of intention with every breath, one hand on your heart, one hand on your belly.


When Svadhisthana is balanced, our creativity is abundant. Spending time doing the things we love is another way to allow to open the door to free flowing energy. Dance and artistic movement with our bodies help to channel this inspiration. Perhaps you like to write, play an instrument or paint. The more time you spend doing the creative things you love the more open and free flowing our sacral chakra will be.

Spending time near the ocean or a cool running stream is another way we can open the gate for free-flowing spirit. Allowing the cool running water of a stream flow over your feet or standing on the beach with your feet in the ocean as the waves gently roll over your ankles. Spending time in the shower visualising the water cleansing you or a warm bath to immerse yourself in can all help you to find balance.

Svadhisthana when free and open creates a confident and empowered individual. Strength and suppleness combined symbolising creative potential and sensuality, whilst nurturing fulfilling relationships internally and externally.



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