Tackling Your Fear

Tackling Your Fear

This week's weekly intention is based on fear and tackling your fear. It's a big one so strap yourselves in! 
How many times have you wanted to do something, but you don't because of fear. Yep, all of us! We as humans all have fears of something. Whether it is fear of rejection. Fear of public speaking. Fear of failure. Fear of trying that new yoga pose we've never attempted. We all have experienced these thoughts of anxiety around doing something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. It's part of being human. And what do thoughts do? Thoughts create feelings in our body. Close your eyes for a second, think of something that makes you really happy.... how does that make you feel? Do you feel good? .... Now, think of something that makes you really sad.... now, how do you feel? 
So, when we are afraid of something, we are creating those thoughts in our body, happy or sad. So, thoughts of fear are literally creating thoughts of fearing potential pain in your future. We're afraid of what could go wrong. This is why it can be so hard to take action. Because you are thinking of the worst-case scenario and fearing what could happen. 
I'm going to use myself here as an example. I run an online business. And how do you promote an online business? Through social media. You post things, you advertise things, you promote yourself. And if you know me, you know I literally have a fear of posting online. I have a fear of posting things, so I literally run through a whole series of thoughts and spend ages thinking about what I post before I do it. What if it's not good enough? What if I look horrible? What if people think it's terrible? What if people laugh at me?  Oh, I can't post that people will think I'm full of myself... Literally all of these thoughts go through my head and I end up causing a whole world of pain for myself. 
So, what happens.... sometimes I don't post anything, which results in what? Nothing. Nothing changes. Nothing gets promoted. Nothing gets seen. Sometimes I post only to delete it super-fast because of what? Fear. Fear of all of what I have just mentioned. 
And sometimes I do post, and what happens? People message me and say, thank you. I really needed to read that today or, you inspire me, thank you. All of which I hoped the post would do, help someone. Sometimes I post things and nothing happens at all, and that's ok. But, the biggest thing, the fear of what I was creating in my mind didn't happen. Life is still going on. I'm still ok and I'm happy and healthy.
Do you see what I am saying here? If you don't take action (the action that you are afraid of) you are going to create the reality that you are trying to avoid. Nothing changes and you stay trapped in your fear. And another thing, as much as it is hard to process sometimes, what someone else thinks of you is not a reflection of you. It's not. People will think what they want regardless, so let all of that go, stay in your lane and be true to who you are. 
Right, so this week, let's all give ourselves the opportunity to do something that we fear. Do one thing, or do 4! It does not matter! It does not matter what it is. Noone else has to know. It doesn't have to be big. Just give yourself the grace to try. Hold space for yourself when you do. If you need support or just want to talk, please email me. Remember, we as yogis do everything with the first Yama, Ahimsa.  Be Kind. Always, always be kind. To yourselves and to others. With thoughts, with actions and with words. 
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