The 8th Limb - Samadhi

The 8th Limb - Samadhi

The 8th limb in Patanjali's 8 limbs of yoga is Samadhi - Bliss, enlightenment, total alignment.

Samadhi can be translated to bliss, enlightenment or total alignment ‘Sama’ meaning ‘same’ or ‘equal’, and ‘dhi’ meaning ‘to see. Samadhi is the total alignment of the first 7 limbs, both our conscious awareness of our internal and external worlds. Samadhi is where we are able to see clearly, without judgement or feeling the need to place a label on anything, it just is. Not attached to anything, anyone or any state feeling. We are able to consciously observe our life, one thought at a time, one step at a time, one decision at a time. This is where the state of ‘Bliss’ occurs. The acceptance that all things are one and as they should be. The complete acceptance of yourself.

Samadhi though, like all things in life,is not a permanent state. As life’s daily challenges occur, we are constantly being pulled in different directions, different states of mind, reactions, actions and the like, so Samadhi is a constant turning wheel of awareness of ourselves, and so continues our yoga journey. The realisation that in our life, we never stop learning. I love this. This keeps our feet humbly grounded to the earth and open to what may come.

With all 8 limbs of yoga, the basic fundamentals are the same, but each limb can and is open to your own personal interpretation. So however you choose to practice yoga, keep turning up daily and enjoy the journey.

Love and Happy Days! ❤️
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