The Third Limb - Asana

The Third Limb - Asana


 Asana meaning seat or posture, can be explained as the posture that prepares us for meditation. It can be easy to think of the Asana as the physical movement of our yoga practice, which it is, but when we think of this we often think of the gymnastic or athletic physical strength postures that we move through in our practice. The deeper meaning of Asana however is a posture that we can move through, be it strength, balance or stability whilst still focusing our mind and breath. The posture should be one that we can hold with steadiness and ease, stability and comfort, the sthira sukham. If we are forcing ourselves into a posture causing discomfort, shortness of breath or pain, then we have overlooked the Asana. If you are seated in preparation for meditation, make sure you are seated in a position that is comfortable for you so you are able to focus your mind.  If you are moving through your yoga practice, mindfully move your body without force into and out of postures that enable you to connect comfortably with your mind and your breath so that you may practice your asana with joy.

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