We All Have a Unique Path

We All Have a Unique Path

I see humans as humans. We're all walking this earth, navigating our own paths, doing the best we can. None of us really have a clue what we're doing. It's one step at a time. One decision at a time. I know personally, if they gave out life lesson points for messing up then I'd be a gold star candidate. Our realities and experiences are vastly different, that's what makes us so unique, but ultimately we still feel the same emotions. We ride the highs and we ride the lows and lessons come daily.

We still feel pain, despair, heartache, loss and fear. We still feel love, joy, happiness, peace and excitement. We still feel frustration, anger and hurt or delight, contentment and optimisation.

We've all felt rejection and we've all felt needed. We've all felt ashamed, just as we've all felt proud.

So be kind. Give love. Show a little more patience, and check yourself when you're being a dick.
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