Weekly Intention - Decisions!

Weekly Intention - Decisions!

This week's weekly intention is all about Decisions!  
Every day, every week, every moment we get to decide. We make decisions from small decisions, what to wear, what to have for breakfast, do I hit my yoga mat today or not? To big decisions, is this relationship really good for my mental health, do I tell them the truth or not? Every day, no matter which way we look at it, we have many decisions to make. And every decision we make comes with a consequence, be it positive or negative. 
Let's look at the word Decide or Decision. The word decide actually has its foundation and roots laid down from the Latin language. The definition of the word Decide is decidere, meaning:
  1. cut/notch/carve to delineate
  2. detach, cut off/out/down
 And if we delve further into the word decide, looking at some of the Synonyms and Antonyms we can discover even more about the word. 
  • Synonyms - determination, resolve, choose, conclude, results. 
  • Antonyms - procrastinate, put off, postpone, delay. 
So, in making a decision, it literally means to cut off all other options. And we can to choose whether we decide with determination or procrastination but ultimately, we get to decide to do or choose what matters most
Now with the little things in life, it might not seem to be a big deal, however, it is. Because ultimately, it's the little decisions we make every day that paint the bigger picture. A simple example: Your goal is to run a marathon by the end of the year. That's the big decision that you've made. That's your choice and the long-term goal. You know that there is no way you are going to rock up on race day and run that 42 odd kms UNLESS you decide each day to put in the work. When you get up in the morning and it's raining and cold and you don't want to run that day, you could decide to stay in bed. That's a decision right there, but will that help you with your goal? Will that help you on your path to being race ready to run your marathon. The little decisions are just as important as the big decisions and we need to put just as much energy into both daily and long term. 
This week let's take some time to think about and journal what we ultimately want out of life and then, what we need to do on a smaller scale to get there.  This can be anything you choose; from a goal you have (run a marathon) to as deep and as philosophical as you choose (what do I want to achieve out of life?). Take your time when thinking about it, this is your life. 
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