Weekly Intention - Grateful

Weekly Intention - Grateful

This week's weekly intention is based on being grateful. Yes, I know the word 'Grateful' kind of gets thrown around a lot these days almost to the point we get a little sick of hearing it. Sometimes I feel that the word Grateful or Gratitude comes with an air of stigma, sometimes used without true meaning behind it, kind of like the word sorry. Sorry can be a word we tend to use habitually rather than meaningfully. It frames out and ends the sentence and can make us feel better, but are we saying sorry for the benefit of the receiver or to make ourselves feel better? I feel that is something that only we know. Grateful can sometimes be the same... Really Betty, are you really grateful that you saw that sunflower today and it had a profound impact on your life? #Grateful 
Obviously, I'm being a little cheeky here, but I think you get what I am saying. 
Gratitude comes from the Latin word “gratus” meaning “thankful” or “pleasing.” Being grateful is a feeling of appreciation for acts of kindness and thankfulness for what we have, such as supportive friends, family, coworkers, pets, fulfilling careers, and good health. When we really strip it back, grateful is appreciation. Perhaps Betty is grateful that she saw the sunflower that day because in that moment, it made her smile and that's appreciation. 
So, this week before you go to bed each night write down one thing that happened that day that made you feel grateful. Just one thing. Take a little time to reflect on the day you just had and write it down. And I want you to write it down because at the end of the week, I want you to look back on the week you have just had and be reminded of seven beautiful things that happened to you. Hold onto that feeling. 
❤️and be kind. 
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