Weekly Intention - Learning to say No.

Weekly Intention - Learning to say No.

This week's weekly intention is to say No. For many of us the mere thought of saying no to others can bring up all types of fear and anxiety, however learning to say no is learning to establish healthy boundaries. And knowing how to set clear and concise boundaries is one of the most essential life skills we can learn. I think we've all heard the saying 'You can still be a kind person and say no'. And it's true, yet we all struggle with it. 
What are boundaries? Healthy boundaries are the limits you place around yourself to protect your time, emotions, body, and your mental and physical health. These boundaries help us to stay in good health, resilient and empowered. Just like the fence you place around your house to keep what's yours inside and protected from the outside world. As humans, we need this too. 
Boundaries can be set with family, friends, work relationships and be set around time, personal space, social media etc. The basis of all boundaries is clear communication. In order to set a boundary in place we need to be clear about what it is that we will and won't allow. This is the hardest part for the majority of us because we struggle to say no. However, if we tap back into the first Yama, Ahimsa ( remember the 8 limbs of Yoga, the first limb is the Yamas and these are our moral guidelines) we can say no, but say it with kindness. Learning to speak up and being clear in our intentions is the first step we need to take in order to set these boundaries. Showing kindness to ourselves and to others. 
So, this week, take the time to think about different aspects of your life. Really take the time to think about the areas of your life where you may need to pull the reigns in a little in order to look after yourself a little more. The times where you are able to say Yes, I'm ok with this, or the times where you may need to say no. Once you've thought about this and established what it is, be clear in your communication. And don't be afraid to stand your ground, but always remember to tap into Ahimsa. 
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